3016 Restoration Appeal

Why Restore a Steam Engine?

The answer to this is 'because we can!'

The last time 3016 was restored, in 2003, it had to go to Thirlmere (NSW) and the superheater elements had to be ordered from England. Now there are several companies in Australia who can do this work for us.

Several of the crew who worked on that restoration are still either members of CRM or within easy reach, and we have been able to establish a knowledgeable, capable and passionate team.

The numbers of people in Canberra and surrounds who rush to book out any opportunity for steam travel, and those who flock to the Museum when the steam locomotives are here, are an indication of the support we could expect from restoring our own steamer.

3016 may be 120 years old, but the locomotive is in good condition. The boiler itself is sound, even though some of its components, like the superheater elements and the copper flues and tubes, require attention.

The journey will be long and expensive, but with your help, it will be completed!

Check out our Updates page for more detail on the progress of the restoration.

3016 -Photograph- howard moffat